The Present Simple is used for:
Se Utiliza el PRESENTE SIMPLE cuando se expresa una accion real, rutina, o habito.
regular actions or events
He plays tennis most weekends. facts
The sun rises in the east. facts known about the future
We leave at 8.30 next Monday thoughts and feelings about the time of speaking
I don't feel very well.
The Present Continuous is used for:
Se Utiliza el PRESENTE CONTINUOS para describir el futuro expresando en el tiempo presente cuando se refiere a un acontecimiento previamente planificado.
Formula: Subject + Verb to be + Verb + ing+ Complement
What are you doing today? (Que vas a (piensas) hacer hoy)
In this mornig, I'm cleaning the house and then I'm meeting Mariana for lunch.( Por la mañana voy a limpiar la casa y luego voy a encontrarme con mariana para almorzar)
the time of speaking ('now')
Shh, I'm trying to hear what they are saying . things which are true at the moment but not always
We're looking for a new flat. present plans for the future
We're having dinner with them next week .
NOTA IMPORTANTE: I'm cleaning se traduce "Estoy limpiando", sin embargo cuando la oración expresa futuro se traduce "Voy a limpiar", es decir el presente continuo puede tener dos traducciones.
Look at these examples :
- I don't usually have cereals for breakfast but I'm having some this morning because there is nothing else.
- I often cycle to work but I'm taking the car this morning because it's raining very hard.
- I'm thinking about having my hair cut short but I don't think my husband will be very happy about it.
- My parents live in Washington but I'm just visiting.
Note how, in all these examples, we use the present continuous to talk about events which are temporary/limited in time and the present simple to talk about events which are habits/permanent.